
With Martyr Soliemani’s ‘WE CAN’ culture, we can solve people’s problems/ Mosques back the system, Revolution

Stating that the enemies and ill-wishers seek to disappoint the people, Ayatollah Dr Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi said, “Today we are determined to solve people’s problems by following by Martyr Soliemani’s ‘WE CAN’ culture”.

Speaking on Saturday night in a cordial gathering of people in Amir Al-Momenin Mosque in Shahriar, the President said, “In the meeting of the Administrative Council, the issues and concerns of the people were examined and decided upon”.

The President pointed out, “In this meeting, it was decided to discuss raising the status of the governorship of Shahriar city to a special governorship, which is one of the demands of the people of this city, in the cabinet meeting”.

Dr Raisi added, “In the meeting of the Administrative Council, the issues of transportation, metro and drinking water in these areas were also examined and the government will follow up on these issues seriously”.

In another part of his speech, the President stressed the need to use the capacity of young people in various fields, saying, “Young people have always shown their efficiency and capabilities in various fields”.

Ayatollah Raisi said, “Mosques that are active in strengthening the presence of the people are a valuable support for the Revolution and the system and also play an important role in advancing government programme”.

Dr Raisi pointed out, “Cultural issues are one of the serious concerns of the people, and mosques can play a good role in this area as well”.

Addressing the young, Ayatollah Raisi said, “The mosque is a stronghold and the dear young people should not leave it. Today, many political, social and economic issues of the society can be resolved with the active presence of the young and the people in the mosques”.

Ayatollah Raisi emphasised, “Today, the strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to create hope among the people and the enemy’s strategy is to create despair and hopelessness. Therefore, whoever strengthens hope among the people with his words and actions moves in the direction of the system strategy, and whoever causes despair and hopelessness in the society, whether he wants to or not, takes a step in the direction of the enemies’ strategy”.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran