
Yemeni Public Electricity Company Honors 413 Employees for Participating in 13 Training Courses

The Yemeni Public Electricity Company has held a ceremony, in Aden Governorate, honoring 413 of its staff members who took part in 13 training courses held by the Saudi Development and Reconstruction Program for Yemen (SDRPY), the Saudi Ministry of Energy and the Saudi Electricity Company.

The training courses are part of Yemen’s capacity-building and development programs implemented by SDRPY with various local, regional and international authorities in accordance with the highest standards. The training courses aim at improving the efficiency of personnel working in the field of the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity for operation, maintenance and planning of the electrical system.

Capacity-building and development programmers have contributed to achieving a tangible impact, including: the project to use renewable energy to improve the quality of life in Yemen by training 18 field engineers in the basics of working for solar energy systems, building the capacity of 24 committee members in 12 water projects that are operated by solar energy, and building the capacity of 16 engineers in agricultural irrigation projects that are operated by solar energy.

Benefited from training through the project to build the future for Yemeni youth in Aden Governorate and its suburbs were 687 young men and women.

SDRPY also contributed to building the capacity of 60 women entrepreneurs, and lending support to 35 women entrepreneurs and 1,545 small producers in vital sectors, in addition to carrying out training workshops for 154 field engineers, 51 livestock experts, 10 veterinarians and 73 agricultural engineers; the program also improved the capacity of 40 engineers in project management and field surveys in the Aden housing project.

A total of 162 women benefited from training workshops and consultancy services in the management of small enterprises, handicrafts and computers, 17 doctors and nurses benefited from the capacity-building program at dialysis centers for the operation, efficiency, and effectiveness of health facilities. At the same time, 15 firefighters working at Aden Airport received training as well.

SDRPY has so far implemented 229 development projects and initiatives in various Yemeni governorates, serving the Yemenis in seven main sectors, namely: education, health, water, energy, transportation, agriculture and fisheries, and building the capacity of government institutions, in addition to development programs.

Source: Saudi Press Agency