
Al-Khalili: Supporting the steadfastness of Jerusalemite women and their institutions is a top national priority

Ramallah – Ma’an – Minister of Women’s Affairs, Mona Al-Khalili, stressed that supporting Jerusalemite women and women’s institutions in the Jerusalem Governorate is a top priority for the ministry and the government. Al-Khalili stressed the importanc…


Melhem: The banking relationship continues with the Israeli side, and there is no need to fear the accumulation of shekels

Ramallah – Ma’an – Governor of the Monetary Authority, Dr. Firas Melhem, said that the banking relationship with the Israeli side is still continuing, indicating that there is no need to be afraid regarding the crisis of the shekel accumulation in Pal…


Palestine receives low scores in the Open Budget Survey

Ramallah – Together – For the ninth time in a row, the International Budget Partnership Foundation issued, on May 29, 2024, the Open Budget Survey, which covered 125 countries around the world, including Palestine, which was included in the survey for…