
Environment Ministry: Joining Wetlands Convention to Enhance Environmental, Economic Benefits

Riyadh: The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture announced that Saudi Arabia’s decision to join the Convention on Wetlands will enhance the preservation of the Kingdom’s wetlands and their environmental, economic, societal, cultural, and aesthetic benefits.

According to the ministry, Saudi Arabia’s participation in the convention’s meetings will be as a party, rather than an observer, reinforcing its active role in decision-making and recommendations aligned with its national interests. Joining the Wetlands Convention will also strengthen integration and synergy with other environmental agreements and memoranda of understanding in which Saudi Arabia is a participant, particularly those related to the conservation of aquatic species, migratory birds, and their habitats.

This move will facilitate the fulfillment of Saudi Arabia’s obligations and responsibilities in conserving migratory water birds, as the Kingdom’s wetlands serve as essential sanctuaries and migration routes for many of these bir
d species. Accession to the convention will also contribute effectively to mitigating the impacts of climate change, as wetlands play a crucial role in absorbing and storing carbon.

It will enable the responsible entities within the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture to fulfill their obligations and responsibilities as outlined in the ministry’s environmental system and its executive regulations. By joining the convention, Saudi Arabia will collaborate with other contracting parties to achieve the fundamental pillars of the convention.

These pillars include promoting the wise use of all wetlands, designating suitable wetlands for inclusion in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance, and ensuring their effective management. The convention also encourages cooperation regarding transboundary wetlands, shared wetland systems, and shared species.

The ministry highlighted that wetlands are vital components of the food chain for humans, animals, fish, and birds. They serve as sourc
es of water, food, and medicine, and provide rich habitats for biodiversity, genetic resources, microorganisms, aquatic life, insects, and amphibians. Additionally, wetlands support energy and agricultural production and hold historical and cultural value, attracting tourists and serving as recreational sites.

The Wetlands Convention is an intergovernmental treaty that establishes a framework for national measures and international cooperation in the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands and their resources. It plays a crucial role in promoting global sustainable development. Currently, there are around 2,455 sites recognized as wetlands of international importance.

The convention encourages various forms of cooperation at the national, regional, and international levels and the establishment of frameworks aiming to ensure the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their living and non-living components. It also provides developing countries with opportunities to receive support, advice, and nec
essary expertise for sites included in the Ramsar List.

Source: Saudi Press Agency