
US defends JCPOA inaction to justify Biden’s failure

The administration of US President Joe Biden has had a poor performance in returning to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal that his predecessor Donald Trump withdrew from three years ago.

The Biden administration’s refusal to heed Iran’s demands to revive the deal shows that his team lacks the required determination to resolve issues caused by Trump and his fellow Republicans.

Recent remarks by Biden and his secretary of state Anthony Blinken, expressing disappointment over the nuclear agreement (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or the JCPOA) and throwing the ball in Iran’s court are inexplicable for different reasons.

First, it was the US which violated the JCPOA by pulling out of it; and a year after that, Iran took remedial measures within the agreement. This issue is also approved based on legal grounds.

Second, in order to revive the JCPOA, it is the US that should return everything to the situation prior to Trump’s withdrawal. That includes the removal of all sanctions imposed over the past two years.

Third, the main cause of the ongoing differences over the revival of the JCPOA is unlawful measures taken by the US government.

Fourth, the US, due to its unlawful sanctions, has caused heavy harm to the Iranian people, and therefore, the nation has the right to seek compensation for the damage it has suffered from.

Fifth, the Biden administration has not shown sincerity when it came to returning to the JCPOA, because he could revive the deal just like what he did in dealing with other accords that his predecessor Donald Trump withdrew from and return to the nuclear agreement as soon as he took power at the Oval Office. So, his reluctance to revive the deal proves that his political rivals are powerful.

However, Biden wants to harvest from the burnt land that Trump left, in fact, the current administration could earn no results but for the mines that the previous administration planted. And this shows Biden’s weakness in dealing with his presidential rival.

The fact is that the democrats are not able to defeat firebrand Republicans in the next three years of Biden’s stay at the White House. The Democrats’ inability to resist the Republicans’ pressure has led them to a situation to try to justify procrastinating their return to the commitments under the JCPOA.

The incumbent American authorities insist on their reluctance to lift all sanctions imposed by the Trump administration. They do not want to take responsibility on the United States’ withdrawal from the nuclear agreement. The Biden administration cannot resist the hardliners in the Senate and in the region.

The Iranians have sent their message that the negotiation process cannot continue in long-term because it is not logical for the Iranian nation to pay the price of the Biden administration’s incapability and weakness.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA