
Jordan: Int’l silence encourages Israel to commit more crimes

Jordan underlined Saturday that the “international silence encourages Israel to commit more crimes and increase the suffering of the Palestinians.” The spokesman for the ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates’ Ambassador Sufian Al-Qudah, said in a statement that his country strongly condemned Israel’s systematic and ongoing targeting of civilians and shelters of displaced Palestinians in the Gaza Strip after a school south of Gaza City was struck today, leaving more than 21 people dead and injuring dozens.

Al-Qudah reiterated the Kingdom’s condemnation and absolute rejection of Israel’s continued violations of international law and international humanitarian law, and the 1949 Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilians in Time of War.

The spokesman stressed the need to protect civilians and vital facilities that provide basic services to the Palestinians, humanitarian facilities and shelters, which must be protected under international law.

The spokesman also renewed his call for the internationa
l community, particularly the Security Council, to take prompt and decisive action to stop Israeli war crimes and provide protection to Palestinian civilians.

Source: Kuwait News Agency